Saturday, January 10, 2009


You all know how much I love Holly's blog, and how I dream about being just like her, and how whenever she mentions MY blog on HER blog I pretty much freak out? Well, then you will understand why I am super excited about the fact that if i were really skinny gave me and award!

That's right I have received a blog award from my idol blogger. This is like getting to meet Justin Timberlake from NSYNC when I was 13 years old! Even better the award is for having a great blog attitude which I think is pretty cool. I guess I better keep it upbeat over here at my blog or else I could lose my title.

The order of the list of people who received the award probably doesn't mean anything (Nathan) (I am sure that it does because whatever order she put them in were obviously the ones that came to mind first) but in case you were wondering I am totally #2 on the list! (unfortunately I came after Talkaholics Anonymous but I am over it because I love that blog too plus I gotta keep a good attitude because that was the award I was given!)

So my weekend was made before it even began. Thanks Holly! Be sure to go check out the award giving here and don't be afraid to read a few other posts. She is hilarious and I highly recommend you check out this post and this one.


natalie leavitt said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Well aren't you special. Congratulations. You blog is actually pretty funny. I totally get your humor. Keep it up.

and, i totally love the song, i put it on my blog.

Nathan said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

She probably just knew I needed a good self esteem boost and put me first. She figured you could handle my teasing too. :)

natalie leavitt said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I know I already commented, but just thought I'd let you know we're blessing Rory Feb. 1 and invite you. Hope you can make it, and I guess you could bring Danny along with you.