Friday, September 5, 2008

A Joyus Reunion!

Last night I had the PURE JOY of reuniting with my roommate of 9 months, Aileen Ferguson (I prefer to call her "A"). We always joke that we were roommates long enough that we could have had a baby! LOL! That's a long time. When I graduated we parted ways, me home to Kaysville to begin my career and her to Arizona to EAT, hang out with friends, EAT, scan papers for 9 hours a day and make $10 and hour doing it, and watch movies. It has been 7 weeks since we last saw one another so needless to say it was so fun to see each other again.

A and her mom didn't arrive in Provo until about 10:30. I knew that it was going to be a late night anyway but starting as late as we did I knew it was going to be a REALLY late night so I took a nice little nap from 9:30-10:00 p.m. so that I would have a little more pep to keep my little eyes open until the wee hours of the morning. A, her mom and I went to DQ for some grub and enjoyed lively conversation, particularly about the sweet relationship that Aileen and I have and how well we have gotten to know one another. Yes A, I do KNOW you!

I felt somewhat bad taking Mama Ferguson's daughter from her and leaving her all by herself in the hotel room but at the same time I was very excited to have my roomy back. Once we got to my apt (with Aileen not stalling once in her new standard! Phew!) we sat and chatted and had companionship inventory. Which I LOVE by the way. What a good healthy activity to participate in...a totally honest and open conversation about how you are feeling about the friendship or companionship. A has always been incredible at getting out of me exactly how I feel and I will say that I think that it takes less effort on her part now. I offer my thoughts and feelings a lot more freely now days...sometimes I think A wishes I wasn't so pro "talk about my feelings."

My nap definitely came in handy in helping me to stay awake until 3:30 in the morning...yes that is right 3:30 in the morning! Believe me I am feeling it today and I am going to crash hard tonight but it was TOTALLY worth it. The rest of the night consisted of talking, gigling, bedtime routines, a few back spasms (Aileen has weird health issues, sometimes I wonder if she is going to survive to the next day) and some sleep talking coming from my side of the bed! The night was so fun and I most definitely have a really GREAT friend, for LIFE! Love you A!